'The long-lasting freedom and happiness that you desire is closer to home than you think.

And I'm here to guide you home to the source.'

- Mollie, Founder

The truth is, if you aren't consciously choosing your life, you are unconsciously accepting it.

And when you turn your attention inward and get intimate with your body on a mental, physical and emotional level, you'll discover just how much control you have to rewire a completely new reality.

Anything and everything becomes possible.

My love, you were put on this earth to live in awe and wonder. 

Let's get you out of autopilot and living the life you sit there day-dreaming about.

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Transform your relationship with your mind, breath and body, in community.


‘The best thing I ever did was sign up to this membership.’


Hi, I’m Mollie.

I'm the founder of Adventuring Within and an Advanced Breathwork And Inner Work Facilitator. Some of you may also know me as 'Where's Mollie' - the adventure blogger.

I spent years travelling the world with work, filling my soul with adventure and ticking all the boxes that society deemed successful...

But I was disconnected from my body and at the mercy of my mind. I was continually in loops of burn out, overwhelm and it was only when my physical body said ENOUGH through dis-ease, that I stopped to listen.

Through 4+ years of deep study and personal embodiment, I have created a peace in my life that I never knew was possible.

I now know to my core that if you want lasting health and happiness, yes, you must look to the physical but you cannot ignore the mental, emotional and spiritual layers of the body.

Everything you need to live a peaceful, happy life is truly within you already and it is my absolute pleasure to guide you home to unlock it.